Thursday, 5 March 2009

Competitions using APIs - any resources

The original impetus for creating this blog was to provide somewhere to talk about our plans, ask for feedback, and generally make the process of running a mashup competition using a set of object data created for an exhibition really transparent.

The project is close to signed-off, and I'll go into more detail then, but in the meantime, here's a post I sent to the MCG (museums computer group) email list:

Does anyone have good examples, bad examples, personal experience, whatever, on competition models, licensing, preservation, timelines, platforms, other public domain data sources, visualisation tools, etc? You can email me offlist if that's easier, I can post a compiled list back here.

I was at JISC's recent dev8D event and got some good ideas there, and I'm happy to share the research I've already done if anyone is interested.

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